Team „CC HPC“
High Performance Computing (HPC) has a decades-long tradition at TU Dortmund University. The current HPC cluster is called LiDO3 and is available to scientists for the computation of complex problems within the scope of their research activities.
We provide the following services:
- Operation and administration of the LiDO3 high-performance computer
- Installation and configuration of special scientific software packages
- User support
- Consulting and training of users regarding scientific software and methods
- All activities around the procurement of HPC resources, e.g.
- Determination of demand in cooperation with DoWiR
- Preparation of large-scale equipment requests including reporting
- Expansion planning and consulting
In the HPC.NRW context, we are also involved in an intensive exchange of experience with other HPC locations and cooperate in overarching projects. We are also present in the national HPC context.