News and Warnings
Do not click on the "Pending messages awaiting release" phishing wave
Emails with the subject "TU Dortmund University, 2 Pending Messages awaiting release " are fake. Do not click on the link.
Due to a vulnerability in Windows that can be exploited via the Internet, we urgently ask you to check whether you have already installed the latest updates.
A fatal security vulnerability in Windows (all versions, including Windows Server) allows your computer to be attacked from the Internet via IPv6 if…
Malfunction of the VPN
There is currently a disruption to the VPN.
Replacement of access point and switch in the guest house 08.08.2024 IT & Media Center
We would like to inform you that the regular replacement of the IT components (access points & switch) in the guest house will be carried out on…
Maintenance work VPN infrastructure
Tomorrow, Saturday, 03.08.2024, maintenance work will be carried out on the entire VPN infrastructure
Maintenance work on the SAP system
The SAP system will therefore not be available from Friday, 02.08. 18:00.