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Abgeschlossenes Projekt

TU App - an App for TU Dortmund University

A central application for TU Dortmund University with a mix of helpful service functions and a wide range of information about TU Dortmund University and studying, which is particularly helpful for students and thus makes everyday life easier.

Project Duration

01.04.2015 - due to permanent maintenance and further development, an end is not foreseen

Project Description

The app for TU Dortmund aims to reach new target groups. It represents a mix of helpful service functions and information. All services and information offered in the app are also available in the ServicePortal or other systems. So no one is forced to use the app.
The app is primarily aimed at students at the university. They should be able to use the advantages of an always-on device in their studies to obtain information and services in their current situation.
The app should take into account the disadvantages of a smartphone, such as the small screen and poor input options, and use the advantages of mobility and easy, almost casual access of a mobile phone.


The app is intended to increase the ease of studying. It is planned that a new version will be released at the start of each semester.

Project Management

Interim Report

The project has developed into a successful product.

High usage figures and predominantly positive feedback demonstrate a high level of acceptance of the app.

The app is increasingly used as a quick way to send TU-internal messages to all TU members.

The project has been given another permanent position for maintenance and further development.

Information about the App