Software Development
The ITMC provides customised software in many areas for the TU Dortmund University. In order to be able to create software, the problem to be solved must be analysed. The ITMC helps with a lot of project experience.

What exactly is needed? Is there already software that largely solves the problem? If so, the ITMC helps with the procurement process and the introduction. An operational concept must then be developed together.

Can you find software that does not meet all requirements and that can be extended, e.g. by plug-ins? The ITMC can take care of that too in many cases.

For many processes and a good user experience, software should be integrated into existing IT infrastructure. Connections must be made with other programmes used at TU Dortmund. The necessary interfaces are developed by the ITMC.

If the market analysis shows that nothing fits and if a new infrastructure would solve relevant problems, it becomes necessary to develop completely new software. In this case, too, the ITMC can help. The ITMC's software development department creates specific software in an agile manner or according to specifications.

Software must be permanently stable and secure. Interfaces must also function after updates. Therefore, the operation of a newly introduced software requires permanent care, adaptation and maintenance of the software, which is also taken over by the ITMC.

The ITMC provides advice to ensure data economy and DSGVO-compliant data processing. It ensures that the software is operated in accordance with the protection requirements of the processed data. The ITMC offers support with the necessary formalities.